Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Old Man With An Orange

I am a retired Ontarian and perhaps it is time for me to expound on my views about McGuinty Politics

http://noliberals.ca elaborates on numerous issues why Ontario politics would best be served with the eradication of The Liberal Party and its Leader.

Without prejudice and no offence intended to New Canadians , Canada was estabished as a British Colony and the main languages were French and English and Ontarians were mainly identified as either catholics or protestants.I am from the old school and I believe it is wrong for the Liberals to stand behind a leader who wants to introduce sex education in elementary schools that includes masterbation, oral sex and sexual orientation that is non conforming to the christian principles which were at the basis of the countries origins. God Save The Queen and God In schools and in politics was part of our upbringing , Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving were occasions for celebration and the occasions were described as holidays where we all wished each other Happy Easter or Merry Christmas or Happy Thanksgiving.

Removing the religious issues from politics there remains:

Ontario's failing health care where I can not have a family doctor

Ontario's HST Tax

Ontario's failed promises from the past election

I can go on and on , however you fill the blanks.... and when you're done join The Orange Wave or diassociate yourself from the Liberals as best you can if you care for Ontario

This is my biased opinion !

No Liberals Left Behind

I am a senior citizen of The Province of Ontario and I am looking forward to the October 06 Election . I urge all Ontarians to excercise their right to vote and to remove McGuinty and his Libereals from Ontario politics. It is not too late to restore and reclaim Ontario so once again we can proudly say " ONTARIO YOURS TO DISCOVER ! "